Bridge Fund

What is the Bridge Fund?

There are times when Sidney Health Center patients need a specialist at a larger facility for further treatment. This can be a stressful time for the family. The Bridge Fund was created to help ease the financial burden associated with the travel costs in these circumstances.

Who qualifies to receive funds?

The Bridge Fund is designed to help families and individuals who are currently receiving healthcare from Sidney Health Center and are required to seek treatment elsewhere.

How do I apply?

To obtain an application:

  • Pick up a printed copy at either the Foundation for Community Care office in Sidney (221 2nd ST NW), or Sidney Health Center. Foundation business hours are M-TH, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; F 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Call or email the Foundation for Community Care office.
  • Click HERE to download the form. The form can be printed or filled out electronically.

To submit a completed application:

  • All printed applications must be submitted to the Foundation for Community Care office in Sidney (221 2nd ST NW). Foundation business hours are M-TH, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; F 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Electronically filled out forms should be e-mailed to:


PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

What happens if I need to apply after hours or on a weekend?

Emergency requests for the Bridge Fund are expedited upon submission. Sidney Health Center staff will work with the Bridge Fund Committee for application submission and review immediately.

Do I need to provide any additional documents with the application?

The only document we require is a Sidney Health Center physician referral.

What is the deadline for the application?

Applications will be accepted within 30 days of travel.

Will anyone know that I have applied?

As a healthcare agency we follow the same strict guidelines defined in HIPAA. No personal information is shared.

How much will be granted?

Until January 1st, 2024, the grant amount will be $250 per applicant.

Note: Grant amounts may increase in 2024, contingent on funding.

A funding limit of one grant per family, per year will be set. (Per year refers to a continuous 12 month period). If donated money is not completely used during one year, it will stay in the "Bridge Fund" and is available for the next year.

What expenses can be paid with Bridge Fund money?

The Bridge Fund is intended to assist with specific travel expenses required for medical treatment outside of the Sidney area. Excluded from assistance are hospital, physician and prescription charges.

When will a grant decision be made, and who makes the decision?

All grant applications will be quickly processed and presented to the Bridge Fund Committee for review and approval.

Who provides the financial support for the Bridge Fund?

Foundation donors may designate their contribution for the Bridge Fund throughout the year. In addition, the funds raised by the annual Bridge Fund Campaign held each winter is dedicated to the Bridge Fund.

What if I have more questions?

  • You can stop by the Foundation office: 221 2nd St. NW in Sidney
  • You can call (406)488-2273
  • You can email the Foundation:
  • You can submit questions online at our website.