Who We Are
The Foundation for Community Care

In 1983 the Foundation for Community Care was organized to prepare for the future of healthcare in Richland County and surrounding areas. While rural hospitals across the nation were closing their doors, local residents felt fortunate to have excellent quality healthcare services and wanted to help keep it that way. An endowment fund was established, and each year, some of the earnings from the endowment fund are distributed to local healthcare needs.
Rural healthcare faces many challenges, demands on services are increasing, reimbursements are declining, and costs are rising. The Foundation exists to make sure we always have exceptional community healthcare and modern medical equipment right here in our community—where it matters the most.
Our Mission
Advancing access to excellent, lifelong healthcare services to foster thriving communities across Richland County and beyond.
Our Vision
To be the enduring leader in promoting innovative, community-driven healthcare through the collective impact of partnerships and philanthropy.
Our Community. Our Health. Our Future.
Our community was founded on a deep belief in our unique way of life. It thrives today because we treasure the values and traditions of rural Eastern Montana, which include a shared, genuine compassion for our neighbors and our surroundings.
Our health allows us to live productive, active lives. Our community is fortunate to have a modern, quality healthcare system with dedicated doctors, nurses and other professionals which we count on to provide the best care and treatment available.
Our healthcare future is up to us. We cannot rely on government funding or those without a commitment to our area to preserve what we have built. Instead, we must continue to work together—as a community—to take care of our healthcare and medical needs as we build toward an even better tomorrow.